Facebook like box

The like box is a special version of the Facebook like button designed for Facebook pages. Embedding this widget allows you to promote your Facebook page directly on your website.

Likebox style Can be ‘default’ or ‘Pavilion’. You can check both styles here.
Choose the like button style (Pavilion style only)
Profiles number The maximum number of profiles that can be shown.
Profiles max rows The maximum number of profile rows that can be shown. E.g. if you have set profiles number to 12 and max rows to 3 and your Facebook like box is wide enough to show only 3 profiles per row (it will depend where you have placed the content block), you will have 9 visible profiles.
Put border on profile Put a border around the profile avatar. Border color can be changed from the Styles > Colors section of the content block.
Show profile name Show profile name

Facebook like box works only with Facebook pages and not with profiles, or groups. This block requires a Facebook javascript SDK set up and activated.