Manufacturers block allows you to show all or some of store’s brands. You need a logo set up for a manufacturer in order to get it listed.
Title | You can set a title of the block. Title displays above block contents. To control the text align of the title, you can use the alignment buttons. |
Display | Choose the manufacturers you want to list. |
Layout | Set the number of manufacturers to display on a single row for different resolutions/screen sizes. |
Thumb size | Width and height of the manufacturer thumb. |
Randomize | Shows the manufacturers in random order. If cache is enabled, the randomization occurs on cache refresh only. |
Slider | Put manufacturers in a slider on a single line. If items per row number is greater or equal to the number of listed manufacturers, the slider would not be initialized. |
Slide step | How many manufacturers are slided at once. |
Slide speed | Duration of the animation between slides (in milliseconds). |
Show pagination | Enable slider pagination. |
Navigation position | Position of previous/next slider buttons. |