Sample Data

Import Data

This step is optional. It describes how to populate your newly installed theme with ready made data. This will help you to setup the theme faster, but everything it does can also be manually achieved through the admin panel.

When entering the Pavilion module for first time, you will see the following  message:


Clicking on the Import data button will give you two import type options.

1 Existing store

This option is for functional store with live data.  It will apply style settings (image settings, colors, fonts, margin, padding etc.) of a selected skin (every skin corresponds to a Pavilion demo store).

You can optionally transfer all existing OpenCart modules to the Pavilion Page Builder, if you turn on Import OpenCart modules. There will be no modifications to your current database.

2 Demo store

This option is mainly useful for fresh installations as it will modify the  OpenCart database (not suitable for multistore setup). It will import some default data in order to make your site look exactly like You can select which skin from the demo should be applied to your site.


Be aware that existing OpenCart data (products, categories, information pages etc.) will be replaced and you won’t be able to bring it back unless you restore a backup manually.


Product and category images from theme demos are not provided with the sample data.