
This section allows the upload of custom website backgrounds. You can set a global background and different backgrounds for pages and categories.

Position Set the background image position.
No repeat The background-image will not be repeated.
Repeat-x The background image will be repeated only horizontally.
Repeat-y The background image will be repeated only vertically.
Repeat The background image will be repeated both vertically and horizontally.
Scroll The background image scrolls along with the window.
Repeat-x The background image is fixed with regard to the browser viewport.
Auto Keep background image original width and height.
Contain The gradient’s shape is sized so it exactly meets the closest corner of the box from its center.
Cover Scale the background image to be as large as possible so that the background area is completely covered.
Custom Define custom width and height for the background image.
Background inheritance
Inherit from Global If there is no background image set for the current page/category, the global one is shown instead.
Inherit from parent If there is no background image set for the current category, the one for the parent category is shown instead. If the category is top level, then global background is shown.
No background Display no background image, unless you set one for the current page/category.